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Glacier National Park National Bison Range Mission Valley Overlook Camas Prairie Giant Current Ripples Rainbow (Dog) Lake Eddy Narrows and Sandpoint, Idaho Lake Condon Horsethief Butte and The Dalles Multnomah Falls Area Willamette Meteroite Trail The Bellevue Erratic Wallula Gap Chandler Narrows Badger Coulee (Canyon) Badger Mountain Devils Canyon Palouse Falls State Park Streamlined Palouse Hills Washtucna Coulee White Bluffs (Hanford Reach National Monument) Drumheller Channels Mattawa Bar and Erratics Sentinel Gap Ginkgo State Park Frenchman Coulee & Echo Basin Potholes Coulee West Bar Giant Current Ripples Moses Coulee Ephrata Fan Deep Lake Potholes Glacial Lake Columbia Varves Steamboat Rock State Park Glacial Lake Columbia