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Badger Canyon. Home Page Not much time? ... Click here for a quick Ice Age Floods summary Ice Age Floods Feature of the month For many years one man understood the clues but no one would listen Glacial Lake Missoula Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington Temporary Lake Lewis Columbia Gorge Explore the variety of features created by the Ice Age Floods Columbia River Basalt Group The Pleistocene Grand Coulee Dam and the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Washington Wines Ice Age Floods Institute

Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail

Tour Stop 24 - Badger Canyon

Badger Canyon Page Under Construction.

1. Lake Columbia Strandlines 8. Moses Coulee 14. Sentinel Gap 20. Streamlined Palouse Hills
2. Steamboat Rock State Park 9. West Bar Giant Current Ripples 15. Mattawa Bar and Erratics 21. Devils Canyon
3. Lake Columbia Varves 10. Potholes Coulee 16. White Bluffs (Hanford Reach) 22. Badger Mountain
4. Dry Falls State Park 11. Frenchman Coulee 17. Drumheller Channels 23. Chandler Narrows
5. Deep Lake Potholes 12. Ginkgo State Park 18. Washtucna Coulee 24. Badger Canyon
6. Lake Lenore Caves 13. Wanapum Clastic Dikes 19. Palouse Falls State Park 25. Wallula Gap
7. Ephrata Fan

A. Logan Pass/Hidden Lake B. National Bison Range C. Camas Prairie Ripples D. Rainbow (Dog) Lake
E. Eddy Narrows - Sandpoint, ID

F. Lake Condon G. Horsethief Butte/The Dalles H. Multnomah Falls Area I. Willamette Meteorite
J. Bellevue Erratic

Glacier National Park National Bison Range Mission Valley Overlook Camas Prairie Giant Current Ripples Rainbow (Dog) Lake Eddy Narrows and Sandpoint, Idaho Lake Condon Horsethief Butte and The Dalles Multnomah Falls Area Willamette Meteroite Trail The Bellevue Erratic Wallula Gap Chandler Narrows Badger Coulee (Canyon) Badger Mountain Devils Canyon Palouse Falls State Park Streamlined Palouse Hills Washtucna Coulee White Bluffs (Hanford Reach National Monument) Drumheller Channels Mattawa Bar and Erratics Sentinel Gap Ginkgo State Park Frenchman Coulee & Echo Basin Potholes Coulee West Bar Giant Current Ripples Moses Coulee Ephrata Fan Deep Lake Potholes Glacial Lake Columbia Varves Steamboat Rock State Park Glacial Lake Columbia

All photos by Tom Foster unless otherwise noted.

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