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What's new Ice Age Floods 2013. Home Page Not much time? ... Click here for a quick Ice Age Floods summary Ice Age Floods Feature of the month For many years one man understood the clues but no one would listen Glacial Lake Missoula Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington Temporary Lake Lewis Columbia Gorge Explore the variety of features created by the Ice Age Floods Columbia River Basalt Group The Pleistocene Grand Coulee Dam and the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Washington Wines Ice Age Floods Institute

Two Minute Geology videos.
"2 Minute Geology"
See Below

Multnomah Falls, Columbia Gorge Waterfalls.
Multnomah Falls
Columbia Gorge

The new Hanford Reach Interpretive Center is now open.

10 New pages coming soon - featuring geology along Interstate 90 between Seattle and Spokane. Hope to have them up in December. Nick Zentner and I are working on a few more short videos to add to the HUGEfloods YouTube Channel.

Columbia Gorge Mt Hood.
Carved by the Ice Age Floods - Horsethief Butte in the Columbia River Gorge. Oregon's Mt. Hood in the distance.

Columbia Gorge Page Update Coming Soon

I'll try to post more photos of Lake Condon, Columbia Gorge and Willamette Valley features soon. The Columbia Gorge is beautiful contains many spectacular Ice Age Flood features. South of Portland, the Willamette Valley is just as beautiful but flood features more subtle. Some of the people working hard to promote the Ice Age Floods story below Wallula Gap are: Terry Hurd, Lloyd Dekay, Ellen Bishop, Jim O'Connor and Richard Waitt.

Rowena Dell in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon.

Large photo shows Rowena Dell and Columbia River. Small images: Basalt arch, scabland near The Dalles, one of the many waterfalls and a fat sea lion enjoying life below Bonneville dam.

Columbia Gorge Ice Age Floods, Columbia River Basalt scabland.
Columbia River Basalt exposed and shaped by the Ice Age Floods near Dallesport, Washington. Well-defined flood boundary in this area (transmission towers).

Lava flows into Pacific Ocean 2013.

Hawaiian Lava Entering Pacific Ocean

Was great to visit Hawaiian volcanoes in May!!!
Click for Trip Report.

Nick and I recently posted the first ten "2 Minute Geology" episodes!

If you have a few minutes ... please watch a couple and send a comment. Thanks!

Tom Foster and Nick Zentner 2 Minute Geology.

Subscribe to HUGEfloods YouTube Channel

Teresa Foster inspects giant Lake Stevens erratic boulder.
Teresa Foster and largest known glacial erratic left by the Puget Lobe - near Lake Stevens, WA.

Open Wenatchee Page
Wenatchee Washington Ice Age Floods page.
Dr. Ellen Bishops Columbia River Basalt video playlist.
Click image above to play Dr. Ellen Bishop's Columbia River Basalt videos.
- Bishop video photo -
Flying Tom Tabbert.

New pages Ice Age Floods.

All photos by Tom Foster unless otherwise noted.

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Columbia River Basalt
The Pleistocene
Grand Coulee Project
Washington Wine
Ice Age Floods Inst.
The Bonneville Flood