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Ice Age Flood features Spring 2012. Home Page Not much time? ... Click here for a quick Ice Age Floods summary Ice Age Floods Feature of the month For many years one man understood the clues but no one would listen Glacial Lake Missoula Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington Temporary Lake Lewis Columbia Gorge Explore the variety of features created by the Ice Age Floods Columbia River Basalt Group The Pleistocene Grand Coulee Dam and the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Washington Wines Ice Age Floods Institute

What's New at

Lake Missoula Ice Age Flood Features Spring 2012

Potholes Coulee - Dusty and Ancient Lakes.

Nephew Luke on Potholes Coulee Rib [Ancient Lakes right - Dusty Lake left]

Recently added additional photos and a great video by "ttabbs" to Scabland Page


Adding photos and BBC video to Lake Missoula Page

Balsamroot wildflower and Teresa Foster at Wallula Gap, Columbia River at left.

Nick Zentner (CWU Geology) on Umatilla Rock at Dry Falls State Park.

Recent Blog Post Trip Reports

-Grand Coulee and Snake River-
Bruce Bjornstad on Umatilla Rock. Dry Falls State Park.
That's Bruce Bjornstad on the basalt. Click below to find out where he's headed. Grand Coulee, Northrup Canyon, Umatilla Rock and Deep Lake Potholes (November 2011 Trip Report).
Snake River Gravel Bars, Hammer Grade and Streamlined Palouse Hills.
Photos from a trip to view Streamlined Palouse Hills and various Ice Age Flood deposits near the Snake River.
Starbuck via Hammer Grade (December 2011 Trip Report).

USGS field geologist Richard Waitt visits Ellensburg to talk about his 40 years of field work devoted to the Ice Age Floods of eastern Washington.

NEW: Ice Age Floods Expert Vic Baker is interviewed by Nick Zentner (CWU).

"Five decades of Ice Age Floods research". University of Arizona geology professor Vic Baker visits Ellensburg to discuss his distinguished career devoted to eastern Washington's Ice Age Floods. Taped on June 3, 2011

Nick Zentner interviews Ice Age Floods expert Vic Baker.
Vic Baker Interview
New pages related to the Ice Age Floods and Glacial Lake Missoula.

Added pages that describe O'Connor, Kiver and Bjornstad interviews with some background info on each. Zentner's next.

Geologist Jim O'Connor - Click to open video link.
Jim O'Connor

USGS Hydrologist Jim O'Connor discusses current research on Washington's Missoula Floods and Idaho's Bonneville Flood.
Geologist Gene Kiver - Click to open video link.
Gene Kiver

EWU Geology Professor Gene Kiver discusses the origins of the Ice Age Floods Institute.
Geologist Bruce Bjornstad - Click to open video link.
Bruce Bjornstad

PNNL Geologist Bruce Bjornstad discusses the Missoula Floods and his popular 'On the Trail of the Ice Age Floods' guidebook series.
Geologist Nick Zentner - Click to open video link.
Nick Zentner

CWU Geology Professor Nick Zentner lectures on eastern Washington's unique landscapes (Floods of lava and floods of water).

The Mystery of Glen Roy's Parallel Roads

Glacial Lake Missoula shorelines (strandlines) compared to Glen Roy.

Great video at left shows aerial view and flood simulation of Glen Roy. Compare ancient shorelines in video to those left by Glacial Lake Missoula (above).

Spectacular Time Lapse Dam "Removal" Video

October 28, 2011 — The White Salmon River in Washington state is flowing again as the nearly 100-year-old Condit Dam was disabled with explosives. The reservoir draining took 1.2 hours.

Volume of Northwestern Lake was ~5 million cubic yards (Gathard 2004). Calculations of the largest outburst Lake Missoula was about 20,000 times as large (assuming a discharge at Condit Dam was ~885 m3/sec). However, the USGS calculated the discharge at 420 m3/sec, which would make the largest Lake Missoula outburst 40,000 times as great! The video does a good job of revealing the power and destruction wrought from a sudden outburst, even for a relatively small-volume event.

All photos by Tom Foster unless otherwise noted.

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